Founded:Late 60's
Location:Harlem USA
4 Divisions In Harlem Including A Female Division "The Turkettes"
Broadway Joe
Supreme Commander: Coty
At its peak the Turks had four divisions, three male and one female. The chicks were called the Turkettes. Approximately 35 members in all, male and female. Originally they were a housing project clique out of the general grant projects located on 125th street between Morning side and Amsterdam Avenues. They eventually branched out to other areas in central Harlem. The first president of the clique was Broadway Joe. Coty became the supreme commander after Broadway Joe mutinied and turned a chapter of the turks (Hill boys), into his own gang. They subsequentley became our arch rivals. Two other cliques roamed the grant projects with the Turks, the Scorpions and the Grant Brothers. They were brother cliques with these two gangs. They drank wild Irish rose wine, and smoked newport cigarettes in those days. Before they changed their name to the Turks, they called themselves "King Falcons" (1969-71). In 1972 They changed their symbol from a black falcon to the hammer, sickle and star that signify the average working class people(not many of them had jobs). The name Turks was chosen because, at the time, the supreme commander was studying about the Ottoman Turkish empire in his history class. These guys were not playing....

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The Harlem Turks: Manhattan's Own Harlem 1970's Street Gang
The Harlem Turks: Manhattan's Own Harlem 1970's Street Gang